Everything Parents Should Know About

Online Gaming
Cyberbullying is a huge concern for many parents, but there are a few other things parents should know. These include the risks of In-game purchases and cyber-bullying. There are also risks of identity theft and viruses within online games. Below, we’ll examine a few of the main issues associated with online gaming and offer some helpful advice. Hopefully, this article will help you and your children navigate these waters.
One way to combat cyberbullying and online gaming is to talk about the issue. It is better to talk about a topic publicly because when a subject is discussed in a public forum, it is more likely to get resolved. Write essays, start blogs, or create campaigns. It is important that society does not remain silent, because if cyberbullies are allowed to continue hurting others, they will. You can start by limiting your child’s gaming time. You can also act as a non-intrusive moderator. And if a serious incident does arise, you should contact the police.
In-game purchases
While many games do allow in-game purchases, not all of them require them. Typically, parents will not be required to pay for in-game items, but they may want to limit or completely prohibit these purchases. In-game purchases can range from virtual coins to costume upgrades and loot boxes, and can also include subscriptions and season passes. Before purchasing anything, be sure to research the product and set boundaries.
Identity theft
If you spend a lot of time playing games online, you may be a prime target for identity theft. It’s estimated that one out of every fifty children suffers from some form of identity fraud, and it costs U.S. families $1 billion every year. These risks are especially 토토사이트 if you use social platforms and games, such as Twitter and Twitch. In fact, in 2021, several large data breaches occurred, including those at Twitch, Electronic Arts, and Facebook.
Viruses in online games
Computer viruses are the bane of gamers everywhere, but they can also cause havoc on gamers’ computers. While most viruses are more common on closed systems, players on any platform can wind up with malicious software from other players. Unfortunately, scammers can also exploit social engineering tricks to infect gamers’ computers. Here are five of the most popular games infected by malware:
Time limits for online gaming
China’s National Press and Publication Administration recently issued a notice imposing time limits for online gaming among minors. The gaming companies will only allow underage users to log on to their games for three hours on weekdays and nine hours on weekends. The authorities hope to reduce the problem of underage gaming addiction by limiting underage gamers’ time in front of the computer. To enforce these new rules, game companies will have to leverage realname-based registration. Tencent, for instance, has implemented a system that limits children’s time playing Honor of Kings.