Smart Slot Solutions With the Right And Easy Steps

Back in the day when slot machines only had three reels and a coin slot, con artists would place a threaded coin into the slot to make it seem to spin three times. They’d feed the coin into the slot, pull the cord to release the coin from the mechanism that gave them playing credit, and so on.
A woman was caught in Nevada using a coin that was connected to a piece of yarn that was a bright color and easy to see from a distance. Some of the criminals were more obvious than others, but justice was served for all of those who were apprehended.
Manufacturers have responded to this kind of deception by creating more secure coin acceptance devices. Slot machines nowadays only accept paper currency or tickets, as opposed to the older kind of mechanical Slots.
Die Slowly
As long as casinos accepted coinage for slot machine wagers, they faced the problem of “slugs,” or counterfeit coins.
Some of them were just round discs of metal with no decoration whatsoever. Some were simpler, and slot tokens used in New Jersey were easily counterfeited by criminals in the eastern United States. These tokens were used at gambling establishments.
As long as the cost of the metal and manufacture was much cheaper than the value of a genuine slot coin, there was an incentive for cheaters to take advantage of the scenario.
The issue was fixed by developing more sophisticated coin detection software.
Force Magnetic
It was discovered in the 1970s that common magnets might damage some slot machines from the 1960s and 1970s. Cheaters might use the magnets to keep the reels from stopping when they spin the wheel. Con artists would wait to remove the magnet until the reels had stopped on a winning combination.
Top-bottom gadgets were more sophisticated and used well into the 1980s. The lower half was made up of a straight wire, while the upper half was a curved metal rod.
To insert a wire into a coin slot, one must first force its top end into the slot, and then position the wire such that its bare end touches a metal contact. Activating the coin dispenser and releasing free coins into the slot tray occurred as a consequence of the combination completing a circuit.
In order to prevent vital parts from being harmed by magnets and to make it impossible to establish contact with any of the components and complete an electrical circuit, protection had to be coded into the games.
Focused On Internal Affairs
This trick was played on “Big Bertha” slot machines in the 1990s. When compared to standard slot machines, Big Bertha is noticeably bigger and wider.
A Nevada gang was arrested after they gathered in close proximity to Big Bertha. A woman opened the machine’s main entrance, stepped inside, and then closed most of the machine’s doors. After that, she tampered with the results. It may have seemed to outsiders that everything was in order since team members were blocking the view, but security was alert enough to spot the cheating.